Wyatt & Friends

Coffee and Adenosine: The Science Behind Optimal Timing for Your Morning Brew

Coffee and Adenosine: The Science Behind Optimal Timing for Your Morning Brew

Did you know that delaying your morning coffee by just 90-120 minutes could transform your day? Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman from Stanford University suggests that this simple adjustment can help you sidestep the dreaded afternoon slump and enjoy better sleep at night. You can stay alert without relying on a late-afternoon caffeine boost by allowing your body's natural cortisol levels to peak and clear out adenosine—the compound responsible for sleepiness. Alongside its energy-boosting properties, coffee offers many health benefits, including improved cognitive function and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and liver damage. With these insights, we uncover the optimal...

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Sleep Deprivation and Mental Health

Sleep Deprivation and Mental Health

Have you ever had those nights when you just can not seem to get any sleep at all, waking up feeling like a zombie? It's a common scenario in today's hustle and bustle. But here's the kicker: skipping sleep not only makes you groggy, but it also harms your mental health. Think of sleep as fuel for your brain, just like gas for a car. When you're running on empty, your mind slows down, unable to function at its best. It's like a car without gas—it won't get far. In this blog, we are going to explore the relationship between...

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Tongkat Ali For Women Benefits

Tongkat Ali For Women Benefits

Have you heard the buzz about Tongkat Ali and its amazing benefits for women's health? You're in the right place if you're curious about how this potent herbal supplement can boost your energy and well-being! Whether you're a busy professional, a dedicated athlete, or a multitasking mum, Tongkat Ali might just be the secret weapon you've been searching for. In this article, we'll explore the science-backed benefits of Tongkat Ali for women, from boosting energy and strength to promoting weight loss and enhancing mood. So, get ready to discover how Tongkat Ali can help you harness your inner powerhouse and...

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Can Women take Tonkat Ali? A Scientific Overview

Can Women take Tonkat Ali? A Scientific Overview

Can women also benefit from Tongkat Ali, the famous herbal remedy? Let's uncover the secrets together! Tongkat Ali, also known as Eurycoma longifolia, is a powerhouse plant that has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia for its incredible medicinal properties. Tongkat Ali seems to do everything from fighting fevers to boosting energy. Although it has a reputation as a male tonic, Tongkat Ali may also have some surprising benefits for women's health. In this blog, we will explore the science behind Tongkat Ali and how it could potentially revolutionise women's health.   Dr. Ayesha Tufail Certified Medical Doctor, Researcher...

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